Square Terminal: Find Out How Simple It Is to Set It Up

A Square Terminal, a guide, a receipt, a charger adapter, the charger adapter wire, and an accessory hub are all included in your package. Remove the plastic wrap from the screen first. To turn Square Terminal on, hold down the power button for roughly three seconds.

Press the blue Get Started button and connect to the internet. You have the option of using Wi-Fi or Ethernet. Magnets on the bottom of your accessory hub and power adapter allow you to connect them to another surface, such as a cash register. Square Terminal must be connected at all times while using the accessory hub. Select your Wi-Fi network to connect to it.

When you’re not plugged in, the battery in Square Terminal is meant to last all day. Simply plug the battery in to charge it. You’ll recognize it is charging if you see a lightning bolt in the energy symbol.


You’re now ready to log in

Create a new user at square.com/signup on your computer or laptop, or sign in to your Square account with your credentials. You’ll now have to insert the receipt paper. To begin, carefully open the printer door, unroll a few inches of paper, and set the roll on the printer gate with the tongue face closest to the display.

Always rip the receipt paper in the direction of the screen. Simply go to Menu, then Settings, to test your printing. After selecting Printer, touch Test Print.

Questions & how to about Square Terminal 


square terminal

Is it possible to link the Terminal to other devices?

You may utilize the accessory hub to add accessories to the device, such as a bar code scanner or perhaps a cash drawer. To begin, just connect the auxiliary hub to the device. Then connect the items to the accessory hub’s USB ports and plug it in. Your attachments will show in the hardware area of your Square Terminal immediately.

You may buy a mount from Square Store or use other available on the market, such as those used for cameras, to hold the Terminal to your counter. You’re ready to go!



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